Saturday, February 16, 2013

Doing a patrol In the Chinatown/North Beach District. The night started off with us finding a guy shooting up Heroin on the steps of the Old Mint building.
One of the residents of Chinatown very happy to see us out in his neighborhood.

Japanese tourists very happy to see a familiar sight.

One of the North Beach locals asking how he can be of help to the San Francisco Guardian Angels ( JOIN!).

This nice woman was very excited to see us, she asked for information on how to donate to us, well its simple, BE SURE ANYTIME YOU WANT TO DONATE TO YOUR LOCAL GUARDIAN ANGELS CHAPTER, TO WRITE THE NAME OF THAT CHAPTER ON THE DONATION, FOR EXAMPLE OURS IS THE "SAN FRANCISCO GUARDIAN ANGELS", IF YOU WERE MAKING A DONATION TO US, THAT'S HOW IT WOULD BE WRITTEN. donations for the San Francisco Guardian Angels Chapter goes into rent for our HQ, money for a small meal while on patrol, new handcuffs, T-Shirts uniforms and berets as well as first aid and self defense training, we don't get paid to do this its all volunteer work, and we never carry weapons,so your donations help us to keep our chapter thriving.

This gentlemen used to be a California coordinator for the Guardian Angels, he was a very serious fellow, he looked each one of us in the eyes and said, "Be safe out here, thank you for what you do.".

This couple begged us for a photo opportunity, hey if you see us, just ask, we love your support, and we love our city.

These two wanted us to know how valiant and noble we look and were very happy to take a photo with Frisco

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tonight's Patrol will be lead by Frisco, he prefers to do the oath first.

Tonight we will do SOMA to Mission all on foot.

Bobcat and Frisco.

We found a guy trying to talk this drunk woman into smoking crack with him , Lobo and Matador ran him off , at the  time we had no idea just how drunk she was. She stood up to walk away and fell flat on her back almost cracking her skull open, we told her just relax and we would call a shelter van to come help her but she freaked out and ran into traffic, Skull went after her they nearly got hit by a trash truck, Frisco ran out to assist and they determined it best to hand cuff her and call P.D. when the police arrived they told us we did a great job and would make sure she got somewhere safe. What a way to start the night.

Bobcat waiting on P.D.

We found a lot of broken bottles that could be potential weapons.

111th and Harrison.

Bobcat watching a suspicious crowd across the street.

And now were making our way down Division Street in SOMA about to hit Mission District.

Under the freeway.

Lots of homeless encampments down this way.

we have arrived at Skulls Dugout, lobo is holding a bag of sharp objects and glass bottles we discovered.

Looking for needles.

We spoke to a homeless woman who said a dead body was recently found back here, we will be back more often.

We hit 16th and found Mission street blocked off by police, looks like we missed the action.

Never the less we still check the alley ways because in the Mission Just like the Tenderloin, there's always something going on somewhere.

Lobo creeping up on some one who is trespassing.

We headed up to Guerrero in the 20s theres been reports of assaults with bats and robbery's lately in this specific area.

Finally 24th and Mission. Frisco calls Lion to touch base, Angel One, this pics for you buddy.

January 26th 2013 Bobcat begins pre-brief.

Raven pays close attention, tonight is a new patrol area.

We started with Minna Alley a known crack smoking area .

We have officially hit SOMA (South of Market Area)

On one single file formation, doing it by the book.

Lobo and Mustang doing tail, we just crossed 5th and Folsom.

Bobcat confers with a security agent who is informing us there is a lot of auto burglary's occurring here in SOMA.

Yerba Buena Park water fountain.

Down on 7th and Harrison we ran into a couple who was excited to see us here.

Discarded syringes in the Civic Center Plaza Public toilet.

This is a common occurrence at the public restrooms.

We caught 3 people in the bathroom  after we ran them out we found these 2 fully loaded needles full of ... yes it was confirmed somewhere between $50-$60 worth of liquefied Black Tar Heroin.

The patrol moves on to the Tenderloin.

A possible new member speaks with Frisco.

Eddy and Leavenworth. 

Liberty and Raven.

Were going into Scorpions Lair.

Needles are almost always found in this area of bushes.

And oddly enough crack and meth pipes on the opposite side . I say oddly because its almost always everything in the same place.


A needle discarded in the road.

People driving by thanking us for our service.

This guy was caught smoking crack right in front of us and was actually argumentative till the locals started in on him about moving.

Circled back around and had to post up on the Den of Iniquity AKA Turk and Taylor.

We witnessed this store selling crack pipes. No matter how hard you try there's always something in the way of making things better, that's why we stay vigilant.

Market and Mason.

Good sized group tonight. On average anywhere from 6 to 15 people every patrol here in San Francisco.

A young man asking how he can sign up to patrol with the Guardian Angels.

Good formation excellent spacing.

And now we prepair for 6th Street.

6th Street was dead so we headed home.

It might be 12:15am but the Angels are still full of energy.

Last one to be searched and then de-brief, thanks for the service guys.