Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tonight's Patrol will be lead by Frisco, he prefers to do the oath first.

Tonight we will do SOMA to Mission all on foot.

Bobcat and Frisco.

We found a guy trying to talk this drunk woman into smoking crack with him , Lobo and Matador ran him off , at the  time we had no idea just how drunk she was. She stood up to walk away and fell flat on her back almost cracking her skull open, we told her just relax and we would call a shelter van to come help her but she freaked out and ran into traffic, Skull went after her they nearly got hit by a trash truck, Frisco ran out to assist and they determined it best to hand cuff her and call P.D. when the police arrived they told us we did a great job and would make sure she got somewhere safe. What a way to start the night.

Bobcat waiting on P.D.

We found a lot of broken bottles that could be potential weapons.

111th and Harrison.

Bobcat watching a suspicious crowd across the street.

And now were making our way down Division Street in SOMA about to hit Mission District.

Under the freeway.

Lots of homeless encampments down this way.

we have arrived at Skulls Dugout, lobo is holding a bag of sharp objects and glass bottles we discovered.

Looking for needles.

We spoke to a homeless woman who said a dead body was recently found back here, we will be back more often.

We hit 16th and found Mission street blocked off by police, looks like we missed the action.

Never the less we still check the alley ways because in the Mission Just like the Tenderloin, there's always something going on somewhere.

Lobo creeping up on some one who is trespassing.

We headed up to Guerrero in the 20s theres been reports of assaults with bats and robbery's lately in this specific area.

Finally 24th and Mission. Frisco calls Lion to touch base, Angel One, this pics for you buddy.

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